Sarnia Bluewaterland Meat Raffle
Proceeds from the meat raffle were distributed to the three agencies listed below.
Sarnia Blessings
Sarnia Blessings began in 2020 as a result of the Pandemic. This program supported seniors and it soon became clear the need was greater. Seniors, post-surgery clients, and those unable to prepare their own meals also needed assistance. All meals are prepared with fresh ingredients, packaged in recyclable containers and delivered. 1000 plus meals are delivered each week by volunteers.

Kevin Allan & Ken Steenwyck
Petrolia Community Refrigerator
"Take What You Need - Leave What You Can"
The goal of Petrolia Community Refrigerator is to help those facing food insecurity and other hardships. Petrolia Community Refrigerator allows respectful and discreet access to food and allows the community to share with others less fortunate in the Community of Petrolia.

Les Whiting and Larry Leckie
Sarnia Lambton Rebound - the Hub
The Hub supports youth drop in services for those 12-24 yrs of age. Meals are provided, youth learn to cook, an emergency food bank, laundry and shower facilities, clothing and hygiene supplies. Other agencies are invited to the Hub to work with Youth

Bev Horodyski(Fundraising) - Kristin Clendenning(Hub Supervisor)
Coyotes Hockey Club
We also had great representation from the Coyotes Hockey Club, recipient of meat raffle proceeds, so they could see where the money they help raise is used. We had Kathy Kinchen, Myrissa Kendel, Ashley Henderson, Keegan Clatworth and Darian Nadee